Bullet journals are a fantastic option for minimalists who want a space to briefly jot down important information or track progress without the pressure to go into elaborate detail.
Conversely, bullet journaling is also great for maximalist visual learners who feel better organized with color-coded labels, stickers, illustrations, and aesthetically pleasing, hand-drawn calendars.
In short, a bullet journal’s open structure allows students to use it in the way that best meshes with how they think and process information, rather than locking them into a rigidly outlined planner with limited space for individuality.
Most important to remember, though, is that a bullet journal is only as beneficial as the effort put into it. Because there is no structure that students must follow, they need to be self-disciplined enough to keep up with consistently filling the pages. Luckily, guided bullet journals or premade templates can help students who may be a bit overwhelmed at first get into the rhythm of bullet journaling.